Compliance Services

Venue management plans
Many liquor licences require drafting of and compliance with a 'Venue Management Plan' or 'Alcohol Plan of Management'. These plans also support your staff with industry best practice.
It is essential that your management plan aligns with your business needs and individual liquor licence requirements. A management plan may also need to be approved by regulatory authorities.
Our consultants can draft a compliant management plan, that meets the requirements of regulatory authorities and helps your business stay within the law.

Special event compliance management
Guarantee a full time, proactive compliance presence with your own compliance manager at your next major event or festival.
Compliance managers:
- exercise all the functions of a continuous compliance audit
- act as on-site compliance liaison with regulatory authorities
- support your on-site management team and front line staff
Our compliance managers can also be engaged to support the licensee or business owner in the initial consultation with regulatory authorities and negotiation of liquor licence conditions.

Independent and expert evidence
Obtain independent factual or expert evidence of your venue's point-in-time compliance or general compliance practices. Such evidence may be useful in the defence of enforcement or administrative proceedings.
Our consultants possess a specialised knowledge based on training and extensive experience with liquor licensing compliance. They also have experience in drafting admissible witness statements and providing in-court evidence as required.