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Application Services

liquor licence application

Liquor licence applications

We provide competitive fixed price services to manage your new liquor licence application.


Available licences include:

  • Hotel

  • Small bar

  • General bar

  • On premises (restaurant)

  • On premises (entertainment)

  • Packaged liquor (bottle shop)

  • Packaged liquor (online delivery only)

  • Producer/wholesaler

  • Limited (single/multi function, special event or trade fair)


Our consultants manage all mandatory stakeholder notifications, community impact statements and engagement with the issuing Authority.


Ensure you get the right licence for your business needs.


For further information on the range of NSW liquor licences and how they may suit your business, click this link.

extended trading authorisation

Extended trading authorisation

Trade for longer, with extended hours.


Depending on your licence type you may be able to trade on a regular basis to 1.30am, 2.00am or 5.00am.


If you require later trading on an irregular basis, consider a 'multi-occasion' authorisation which will permit extended trading up to 12 times per year, without much of the regulatory costs.


Our consultants can advise the best solution for your business needs and manage the entire application process, including the preparation of mandatory community impact statements.

licence authorisations

Licence authorisations

Provide your liquor licence with the flexibility it needs to succeed.


Open up your business to new ways of trading with special authorisations permitting:


- minors areas and minors functions

- functions on other premises and sales on other premises

- drink on premises

- primary service (allowing liquor to be sold without a meal)

- take away sales (for a restaurant licence)


Our consultants can assist and manage any of the above applications.

licensee transfer approved manager

Licensee transfers and approved managers

Where a licensee has been absent or excluded from the business, or terminated from employment, it is essential that a new licensee is approved quickly. If this is not done within 28 days, the liquor licence will be suspended.


There are similar obligations for corporate liquor licences, where a licensee may be liable for a penalty of up to $5,500 for permitting the business to operate without an approved manager for more than 28 days.


Our consultants can assist your business to navigate changes of licensee or approved manager and stay compliant.

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