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bar services

stay ahead of risk
be proactive

Enjoy the confidence

Enjoy the confidence of independent expert assurance to identify and resolve issues quickly, and ensure you have the right licence and conditions for your business needs.


Saving you time and money.

restaurant services

Protect your business

A small investment now can safeguard your future and avoid significant risk and losses for your business

Financial risk

A simple breach of licence condition may attract a penalty notice of $1,100 or a fine of $11,000 at local court.

Serious financial loss may occur if your licence is subject to additional conditions, suspension or cancellation


Regulatory risk

Serious or repeated non-compliance with liquor laws may lead to revocation of authorisations, cancellation of licence or disqualification from the liquor industry. Ensure you get the right licence for your business needs

Reputational risk

Non-compliance may result in your venue being published on the demerit points register for up to 3 years, reducing the value of your licence. Demerit points can cost your business an extra $12,666 per year to renew your licence


liquor news online


Get the latest news in NSW liquor licensing

NSW liquor info


Understand your liquor licence with helpful resources

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